Facial rejuvenation techniques after 50 years without surgery

At the age of 50 and older in women, the production of estrogen is sharply reduced, which affects the condition of the skin. Rejuvenation of the face after 50 years without surgery is possible with the help of cosmetology methods and competent home care.

Skin care after 50 at home

Plastic surgery works wonders, but not every woman can afford the operation. But competent skin care at home is available to everyone. The main thing is that it should be regular and complete.

Application of an anti-aging cream to moisturize and nourish the skin of the face

Daily care plan:

  • Cleaning;
  • toning;
  • Hydration, nutrition;
  • UV protection.

2 times a week it is worth doing nourishing masks, as well as connecting self-massage and surface peelings for the face.

Beauty products

The set of skin care cosmetics for women 50 and older is the same as in previous years. But the composition of the funds should be different.


  • Get rid of products that dry out the skin - alkaline foams for washing, lotions containing alcohol;
  • Buy protective cosmetics to protect your skin from the negative effects of sun, wind and frost;
  • Replace the usual creams and toners with anti-aging ones.

To cleanse and tone, you need:

  • micellar water for make-up removal;
  • Cleansing milk or cream with the right pH;
  • Tonic without alcohol;
  • Facial scrub (use once every 7-14 days depending on skin type).
Rejuvenating mask for the skin of the face after 50 years

It is useful to wipe the face with ice cubes - it tones and refreshes the skin. It is advisable to use decoctions of chamomile, succession, linden for making ice.

For hydration and nutrition, use day and night creams. Separately, you need to buy a cream for the periorbital region, but for the neck you can use the same products as for the face. It is not necessary to buy an expensive cream, pharmacy brands are also suitable.

Good anti-aging creams contain:

  • AHA and BHA acids;
  • Vitamins (tocopherol, retinol);
  • coenzymes;
  • peptides;
  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Collagen.

It is better to buy ready-made masks than to make them yourself. After 50 years, nourishing and moisturizing masks are useful.


Massage will help you stay young. Ideally, it should be done by an experienced beautician, but self-massage is not excluded.

An effective technique is plastic massage. Provides several types of impact - kneading, stroking, vibration. The procedure begins with superficial effects, then they move on to deep kneading.

Facial self-massage to help women over 50 stay young

Basic facial massage techniques:

  1. Caress. Light effleurage movements are made in the direction of the lines of least stretch (massage lines);
  2. The kneading is superficial. It is performed with four fingers (except for the thumb), a movement is performed that resembles drawing a spiral with small turns;
  3. Deep kneading. It is performed with five fingers and one palm, the pressure must be more intense;
  4. tapping. It is done with the fingertips along all the massage lines;
  5. Vibration. It is performed with the lower part of the palm, the movement is directed from the middle of the sternum along the collarbone to the ear and further to the temple.

Before the massage session, the face is cleaned of cosmetics and powdered with talcum powder. Instead of talc, some cosmetologists use cosmetic oil.

Another technique is a complex massage with tablespoons. For the procedure, you need to prepare two containers with hot and cold water, a couple of spoons, cosmetic oil.

The impact is made by the convex part of the spoon. Caressing, rubbing and light tapping techniques are used. It is advisable to use silver spoons, but you can take regular ones. Before the session, warm oil is applied to the skin. The effect is done alternately with a cold and hot spoon, the direction of movement is strictly along the massage lines.


A controversial way to rejuvenate the face without injections and operations is facial muscle gymnastics. Learning to do exercises at home is not difficult, the main thing is that the classes should be regular.

Gymnastics for the face - a controversial method of rejuvenation after 50 years

There are different series of exercises on the Internet, but the opinion of our doctors is the same: gymnastics causes the appearance of facial wrinkles! Therefore, we do not recommend doing gymnastics, make a choice in favor of massage.

Salon treatments for facial rejuvenation without surgery

Salons offer different ways to look younger after 55 without surgery. These are traditional methods (peels, massages, masks, skin care procedures), injection procedures (introduction of fillers, mesotherapy, biorevitalization) and material methods of influencing the skin.

wire lifting

The essence of the technique of rejuvenation of the face and neck without surgery consists in performing skin punctures and the introduction of synthetic threads that create a reinforcing frame. The effect of the procedural field lasts for 2-4 years.

Lifting with threads is recommended for ptosis of facial tissues, sagging cheeks, the formation of a double chin, changes in the contour of the face, the appearance of deep wrinkles.

Before and after thread lift

For the manufacture of wires, polymer materials, silicone, various acids, platinum, gold are used. The diameter of the threads does not exceed the thickness of a human hair. After the introduction of the thread does not make itself felt and is not visible to others.


The essence of this procedure is the exposure of the skin to pulsed light. Radiation is a quantum flux that is provided by bursts. Different wavelengths are used. The maximum effect of the procedure does not appear immediately, but after the end of the course. Thanks to the photorejuvenation procedure, the collagen framework and the structure of the skin are strengthened, the face is tightened and fine wrinkles are smoothed.

Advantages of light energy:

  • Improves complexion;
  • Increases skin turgor and elasticity;
  • The synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin is launched;
  • The pores shrink;
  • The relief of the skin improves;
  • Pigmented spots are lightened.

The technique is not suitable for getting rid of all age-related changes. To eliminate deep wrinkles and improve the oval of the face, the beautician combines equipment and injection techniques.

laser resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is a procedure that can stop aging and help get rid of acne scars or other skin blemishes. The main thing is the impact on the epidermis with a laser. The top layer of cells is evaporated, which stimulates regeneration processes.

Grinding is one of the varieties of hardware peeling. Only a doctor with higher medical training and certification can perform the procedure.

The rehabilitation process takes up to 4 weeks. But a pronounced result covers a long recovery after the procedure.

Laser treatment for facial skin rejuvenation


Thermage is a hardware procedure based on exposure to radio frequency waves or RF radiation. It is performed using a device that emits radio wave energy.

The energy flow destroys old skin structures. As a result, new collagen and elastin fibers are formed, providing a tightening effect.

The method is suitable for rejuvenating the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, as well as other parts of the body. It is also used in the fight against cellulite.


Injection procedure, the essence of which is the intradermal introduction of special "cocktails". The preparations include hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids, peptides, growth factors, etc.

With the introduction of mesococktails, the following changes occur:

  • The pigment spots disappear;
  • Improves complexion;
  • Dryness is eliminated, wrinkles are smoothed;
  • The microrelief is flattened.
Mesotherapy is a procedure of intradermal administration of a drug with a rejuvenating effect.

The drugs are administered with very fine needles. Many microtraumas are created, which additionally stimulate the production of collagen and elastin and improve blood microcirculation.


When planning a rejuvenation without surgery, many women choose injection procedures. In cosmetology, various drugs are used:

  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Mesococktels;
  • Botulinum toxins;
  • Plastic outline with fillers;
  • bioreparants;
  • Preparations based on calcium hydroxyapatite.

Some drugs are given by injection. Injection needles or cannulas are used.

Ozone therapy

Rejuvenation of the face and neck is carried out by introducing special oxygen-ozone cocktails. After the procedure, the face acquires a fresh look, small wrinkles, acne marks disappear. The technique stimulates the production of collagen.

Fractional laser rejuvenation after 50 as an alternative to plastic

Fractional laser rejuvenation is also called:

  • Fractional photothermolysis;
  • Split peeling;
  • Laser nanoperforation.

Effective facial rejuvenation after 60 years without surgery is possible using the technique of fractional laser exposure. In terms of the effectiveness of a facelift, the procedure can be compared to using stem cells, but fractional laser rejuvenation is safer and more affordable.

Fractional laser rejuvenation procedure after 50

It is necessary to carry out the procedure in a cosmetology clinic that has the appropriate certificates. Unskilled use of the laser can lead to burns and other adverse effects.

Advantages of the method

Fractional laser exposure is a unique method of non-surgical facial rejuvenation with many benefits:

  • No severe pain
  • Noticeable effect even after one procedure;
  • No negative side effects;
  • Short recovery period.

An important advantage is an affordable price with pronounced efficiency. The procedure solves several cosmetic problems at once - smoothes wrinkles, tightens, eliminates post-acne scars.

Indications and contraindications

It is recommended to use fractional laser exposure in the presence of the following cosmetic defects:

  • Photo and chronoaging;
  • Superficial and deep wrinkles;
  • Sagging skin, loss of a clear oval of the face;
  • Scars, scars;
  • Vascular asterisks;
  • Pores;
  • Black dots.

But there are also contraindications. We must take this into account, because at fifty, not everyone has the health of iron. It is forbidden to perform laser rejuvenation in such circumstances:

  • inflamed areas on the face;
  • skin infections;
  • Psoriasis, eczema;
  • Malignant tumors of any localization;
  • heart disease;
  • Epilepsy;
  • immunodeficiency state;
  • neurological disorders;
  • Diabetes;
  • Autoimmune diseases.
The result of fractional photothermolysis is the reduction of age spots on the skin of the face.

The patient should warn the cosmetologist about the presence of any chronic diseases. The specialist on the basis of this decides which technique can be used.

The essence of the procedure

The technique consists of the impact of a laser beam on the deep layers of the skin. In the affected areas, the cells are "burned", which stimulates the process of regeneration, the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

It is recommended that women aged 50 and over use a non-ablative exposure method. Its difference is that there is no rehabilitation process. This allows you to smooth even deep wrinkles without a rehabilitation period.


For the first few days after exposure, the skin will be inflamed.

We can note :

  • During the first 2-3 hours - a slight burning sensation;
  • In the first 1-2 days - redness;
  • On day 2-3 - peeling, which lasts 4-5 days.

During the month, the skin will be particularly sensitive to the sun, so you must apply a protective cream with SPF before going out.

After the peeling stops, the effect of the procedure will become noticeable. The wrinkles are less deep, the skin is tightened, the face appears fresh. But in order to achieve a pronounced result, you need to follow a series of procedures. Their number is determined individually.

What methods are ineffective at this age

Help in choosing the appropriate method of rejuvenation will be provided by a professional cosmetologist.

The cosmetologist will select the appropriate method of facial skin rejuvenation

After 50 years, it will no longer be possible to achieve a good effect when using:

  • light fruit peels;
  • cosmetic masks;
  • BBL facial rejuvenation.

These procedures are good for young women. After fifty years and even more sixty years, combined techniques are needed that give a pronounced lifting effect and smooth out wrinkles.

Notice of rejuvenation without surgery

Reviews of facial rejuvenation techniques are mixed: there are a lot of positive opinions, but there are also those who did not like the procedure.

  • "With age, pronounced wrinkles and age spots appeared. Facial rejuvenation surgery is contraindicated for me, so I decided to use non-surgical methods. The esthetician recommended fractional laser rejuvenation. I am satisfied with the procedure, I did it without severe pain or bruising. Already on the 6th day, the face looked decent, although it was more rosy than usual. I can say that there is a result - the eyelids tightened, wrinkles became smaller, small pigment spots disappeared, but large ones only turned pale. I will repeat the process later. "
  • "I'm afraid to do plastic surgery, so I took care of my skin very carefully. But after 50 years, the face 'collapsed', there were cheeks, a second chin, a networkof wrinkles. I opted for fractional laser rejuvenation. What can I say, it was very painful for me, tears were streaming from my eyes, I could hardly bear this execution. In the morning, I got upand I was scared of myself in the mirror - a face like a beaten homeless woman Somehow I survived 3 days, then it got better. But she could only really "go out with people" after 2 weeks. My eye wrinkles disappeared, the oval became brighter, the nasolabial folds became less deep. The effect is not bad, but thesecond time I dare not endure this pain even for beauty.